Permaculture Confusion

Its a sunny but cold 35 degrees outside so I am inside studying permaculture while my son does his schoolwork. Yes, my dear seedlings, I also homeschool. So back to the topic, permaculture. No, this isnt a hairstyle your friends and family need to talk you out of but growing a sustainable and harmonious garden. *Cue chirping birds and sunbeams*

I am lucky if my son wakes up sustainable and harmonious. How am I expected to keep these plants alive AND be harmonious? Honestly, I am pretty sure this is a pipe dream for your Plant Killer. But, I trudge on in my permaculture studies. Do you realize there are about a THOUSAND ways to achieve this? I am not sure about yall, but I need someone to hold my dear plant killing hand and direct me like I am a three-year-old.

But for the sake of learning, here is the one I think I could moderately pull off. It reflects the same ideas as my previous post, companion planting. Now if I understand this right, by planting one type of flower or herb will assist my vegetable plants in growth and production. Sounds a lot like living in harmony with each other. Carrots, for instance, would like to live by onions, tomatoes, and peppers but tells Dill #byefelicia. Chives and garlic help deter Aphids. But watch out because garlic and onion deter growth of beans.

So much information! Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Brain overload!!!! All of this plant this by this and that by that brings me back to high school all over again. So many cliques, so many turf battles. *Eye twitch* It is a good thing I have a little longer to do some more research, otherwise my dear seedlings, Plant Killer will fail for sure.

Good Luck Gardening!

Plant Killer